If life actually includes 7 stages, I have already gone through 5, I live the 6th and I keep the 7th for my old age…
These first 5 stages were rich, full of learning and diverse experiences in many fields.
A path that reflects a real homogeneous versatility whose spirit, I hope, is felt through the reading of this digital resume.


I am a consultant, trainer ans storyteller.

I act as a consultant to screenwriters, writers, film producers, content creators, companies, websites or training courses.

I am a trainer responsible for educational programs. As such, I can create training tailored to the needs of my clients. I also offer online training courses for individuals and professionals.

I’m also a storyteller. Through “History of life” I write, or help with the writing, the life story of individuals wishing to leave an original trace to their loved ones. I perform the same service for entrepreneurs, merchants, wishing to stage the history of their business, their activity.

Since 2022

Consultant, Trainer, storyteller  – Objectif-Scénario.
I work in the entrepreneur cooperative Perspectives in Perpignan.

Since 2011

BloggerObjectif-Scénario, the blog dedicated to the art of storytelling.

Creator of fiction content – les soldats de plume. (2024)

Skills mobilized


I started entrepreneurship in 2006 by creating a film production company. I went on to create a video-on-demand platform. For various reasons, these companies no longer exist today. But not my entrepreneurial desire.

After a short break to add a training diploma to my knowledge, I started cooperative entrepreneurship. So I joined the Perspectives entrepreneurs cooperative to develop my activity as a consultant, trainer and storyteller.

The first advantage of this business model is the pooling of services, resources and administrative constraints. The second advantage is the status of employee in permanent employment as soon as the turnover allows. All the other benefits come down to being accompanied in case of difficulty. To no longer remain alone in one’s corner. To exchange and share with entrepreneurs from the same or different sectors.

Since 2022

I am currently on a CAPE contract with Perspectives. I am therefore in full development of my entrepreneurial activity based on consulting, training and storytelling of life stories. As such, I perform all the tasks of an entrepreneur in business initiation: design of a business plan, forecast balance, market study, marketing plan, communication plan, prospecting, creation and sale of products and services.

The training activity is in full development to be operational in September 2024.

I currently have consulting clients in the fields of business creation, screenwriting, film production. But also in personalized accompaniment through, in particular, the adaptation of a novel in TV series and the development of a science fiction feature film.

I also have clients in an ancillary activity that is the creation and management of websites. This benefit is usually offered as a bonus of certain trainings.

2015 – 2019

Passionate about 3D, I participated as Associated Managing Director with the creation of LaTV3D, the first on-demand video platform exclusively in 3D.

This represents the creation of a secure website, the creation and negotiation of a catalogue of films, the search for financing, investors, partners, customers. But also the creation of an editorial line in the production of subjects and 3D programs specially designed for the platform. The management of rights and the redistribution of revenues to beneficiaries.

2006 – 2020

Outer Space Productions. My first experience as an entrepreneur. The creation of a film production company from scratch, with the contacts of only a few customers, with 2 or 3 short film projects and the minimum necessary money. But with an insatiable desire, unwavering optimism and boundless energy.

I learned the basics of being an entrepreneur, his loneliness, and his heavy administrative responsibilities. I learned to make mistakes. To understand why I made those mistakes. To analyze and correct them to turn them into successes.

I learned the basics of digital marketing. To set prices. To sell. To adapt. To bounce back. To fight against wind and tide to make original ideas exist. To fight against a-priori and low blows.

Skills gained


Through Outer Space Productions I worked as a film producer from 2006 to 2020.

Lead Producer by developing, financing and shooting several short fiction or documentary films. The ratio between the development of film scripts and the exploitation of finished films leans heavily towards developing scenarios. On average, out of 10 projects in development, only 1 is actually finalized and exploited commercially. The difficulty, when starting production, is to find the financing necessary for the development of projects and the various costs necessary for the continuity of the activity.

Executive producer by filming and finishing various films, series, commercials, corporate films for French or foreign production companies that do not have the opportunity to do it themselves.
The executive producer manages the budget entrusted to him for the realization of a film, hires the staff, manages the shooting and the finishing of the film. He receives (his company) a remuneration for this. This remuneration is generally provided for in the film’s budget. If he saves money, he can keep the proceeds of those savings. If he exceeds them, he can bear the additional cost.

Throughout the period of activity as a film producer, I was a member of the Syndicat des Producteurs Indépendants.

Lead Producer 

I have worked on many short and feature film projects. With varying degrees of success in seeking funding. Here is a non-exhaustive list of productions that have had a life in festivals and television exploitation :

Le retour du train – Sara Grimaldi – fiction 26 minutes (Shorts TV)
Proverbes en relief – Nicolas Charmel – 3D animation series (Orange TV)
De Nicéphore à Graham – Nicolas Charmel – 3D animation short film
Entre chien et loup – Patricia Dinev – fiction – 12 minutes
Une tache rebelle – Patricia Dinev – fiction – 13 minutes
Extracte – Kana Fukui – experimental fiction – 12 minutes
Un printemps au Japon – Kana Fukui and JW Muller – web-doc – 26 minutes

Some of these films are visible on the Outer Space Productions website and YouTube channel, which are still available.

Executive Producer 

Executive production, especially for foreign companies wishing to shoot in France, has made it possible to develop many film projects and to support the company throughout its activity. Here is a list of the most significant missions :

Sex & Music, docuseries produced by Guindala Production for Arte France
Nikon Coolpix, commercial produced by Dentsu agency (Tokyo)
Lidl Europa, commercial for Poland and Hungary 
Real clothes, in association with avec Picnic Films, a  Japanese TV series for Kansai TV
Naowaxx World, music webcast

Many missions were summarized as locations and sets, cast of actors, mini shots, according to strict specifications.

Skills gained


Very early on, I was bitten by the “writing virus” as we said in French. After studying film, I decided to make it my job. Finally, one of my jobs. So I worked to write about twenty scripts of short and feature films of fiction and comedy, as well as TV series.

Even though I don’t get much copyright anymore, I am still an associate member of the Society of Dramatic Authors and Composers

I shot most of the short film scripts I wrote. I transferred the rights to certain synopsis of feature films and series for television. Many of my ideas have been taken up in other films, other series.

As a director, I mostly shot my own fiction and documentary projects. Several small films, on video, have unfortunately been destroyed over the years. I also worked on the commission by making institutional films for companies or individuals.

I have worked several times on feature film projects, as a screenwriter and director, but none has resulted in a shoot, due to lack of funding.

I continue to write today. For my blog readers. For my learners. For my clients. My current project is to write and illustrate an interactive online fiction les soldats de plume.

If I am still an author and as such an associate member of the Society of Dramatic Authors and Composers, my activity as a director was essentially concentrated from 1989 to 1997.

Fiction and documentary

Among the films I have made, here is the list of those that have been shown and are still visible today :

Zardock ou les malheur d’un suppôt – short film – 12 minutes (Canal+)
Invasion Dracadors Génération III – short film – 14 minutes (TPS, Canal+ Poland)
Steak Barbare – short film – 13 minutes (Canal+ Belgium)
Un printemps japonais – webdoc – 45 minutes

Films institutionnels

Some of the most striking commissioned films :

France voltige – French and European Aerobatic Championships (3 x 5 minutes)
L’Alsace-Vosges – The route of a car rally driver (26 minutes)
Le Parc Astérix – From the creation to the first operation of the amusement park (45 minutes)
Le cinéma de la Loire – Making off of the film “La reine blanche” for the Loire region

Skills gained


Before becoming an entrepreneur, I was “intermittent from the show” for 20 years, from 1988 to 2005. The French status of all those who work in the performing arts, film and audiovisual industries.

During that time, I explored several different positions, from stewardship to editing, from framework to light to sound and production. I was even featured in several commercials and several films.
I discovered the worlds of cinema, television, advertising. The beginnings of light camcorders, low-power lighting, digital editing. (I learned editing by working with film. With scissors, tape and glue).

Without wanting or being able (my memory is no longer infallible) to list all the positions and all the films on which I worked, I can summarize these various experiences in 4 themes : Production, Direction, Shooting and Post Production.


In general, the first position, when you start in cinema or audiovisual, is that of trainee manager. The management is the essential base which makes filming possible. So I was a stage manager trainee, then a stage manager, then a production assistant and finally a production manager. I mainly exercised my talents in advertising and short and medium films through several production companies (Co and Co, InSetTV, Cinémania, Odéon Productions…)


My career as an assistant director was short-lived. A few short internships on various feature films, then 1st assistant on several commercials and 2 or 3 institutional films and 1 Franco-Japanese feature film.


I was 2nd assistant operator on some short fiction films. Then stage cameraman on sports broadcasts of weightlifting and gymnastics. Also cameraman on reports for the TV programs “The Big Family” and “Nowhere else” of Canal +.
I continued as chief operator on reports in Vietnam and Israel for Handicap Sans Frontière.

Post Production

I worked 5 years for the Canal+ group in what is called auto promotion. I was editing movie and program trailers, program ad modules for TV channels: Ciné Cinéma, Planète, Seasons, Canal Jimmy and Comédie.

Skills gained


I passed and obtained a Bac B as a free candidate in Strasbourg in 1984. A year made famous by the eponymous novel by Georges Orwell.

I made, without conviction, a DEUG of right that I did not have because I never attended the exams. I had finally found an internship on Jacques Deray’s film “We only die twice” with Charlotte Rampling and Michel Serrault. I did not hesitate for a second. Bye bye the right, direction Paris and cinema !

After the internship, on the advice of several professionals met on this occasion, I started studying cinema to acquire knowledge and build a network.

I alternate since that day professional experiences and training to stay up to date with different practices and new technologies.


License of trainer/teacher responsible for educational projects – Openclassroom, distance training

Since 2005

Online training on blogging, wordpress, elementor, marketing, product launch, copywritting, writing a sales page, the art of pitch, customer relationship…

Trainings AFDAS : Final Cut Pro – After Effects – Documentary film production – Professional English, intermediate level.


License of cinematographic production and techniques – Ecole Supérieur d’Etudes cinématographiques

Skills gained


Curious by nature, I am interested in many things, in different fields, such as the sciences of the universe, the paranormal, the occult sciences, the history of civilizations, myths and legends, astrology, science fiction, computing, new technologies, AI… The list is long.
My motto is to always keep an open mind and never exclude a possibility. Even the most incongruous.

I have a real passion for the arts. Music, opera, comedy, comics, painting – especially Jérome Bosch and Renoir – fiction literature and especially… cinema !

I like to travel, to discover new horizons, new cultures. I have travelled extensively in Europe, Japan and Viet-Nam. I went to the east coast of the United States and Canada.

I like games, society or online. I don’t do much sports anymore. I take the time to admire the best in this world. I’m not inactive either. I like to walk. Walk the streets of the cities, discover the atmospheres, the scents, the habits that create the soul of the neighborhoods. I also love nature walks. Discover new landscapes. There is no shortage of pleasant places in Occitanie where I live.

I like to spend time with my family, friends, relatives.

Skills gained through my passions and interests